Why "The Gander"?

Why "The Gander"?

Most people are familiar with the mythology of St. Martin's cloak. Less familiar may be the myth of St. Martin's goose. It is told that Martin the priest was wanted as bishop. He didn't want the job, and so hid (here the accounts are fuzzy) in a goose pen, barn, or bush and was revealed by the honking of the goose. A gander is a male goose - much like a drake is a male duck. To "take a gander" means to take a peek, a look. We hope to use this space to take a deeper look at things happening at St. Martin's, and share more thoughts and information with you.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Naming our Values: Discussion Part 2

Image from http://www.360dpi.net/what-are-your-core-beliefs/

For the next few weeks, we will use this blog as an extension of our Values Clarification work being done in Parish Forum at 10 a.m. and over lunch after our 11:15 a.m. service. You are welcome to come to the blog and see where the work is taking us each week. This will also serve as a way for people who were unable to attend one session to "catch up" and feel welcome at subsequent sessions. Last week's discussion was on Aspirational Values. This week we moved on to Accidental Values, and we'll finish out on the 23rd with Core Values.


From the Two Sunday Forum Sessions on March 16

Below you will find summaries of the “Accidental Values” discussion from the weekend of March 16.  Below is a condensation of the responses from the general gatherings of members based on vote totals.  This is followed by the Pastor's Observations and then raw results from the Forum gatherings arranged according to the tables where people sat.  We are posting these results to stimulate discussion and reflection between our gatherings so we enter each forum prepared for a deep and enriching discussion. 

1.      Elite Social Status/Privilege (appearance thereof)          45
a.     Assumption that all are acquainted and travel in similar social circles
b.     Appearance of prosperity and self-assurance
c.     Initial outward perception of elitist community
d.     Inaccurate perception of privilege not caught up with reality
e.     Most kids in Private Education
f.      We assume certain behaviors – Overemphasis on the “Chestnut Hill Way”
2.     Diversity of Church Schedule to the point of lack of connectivity of members with each other  28
a.     Why is it so hard to recruit greeters and other volunteers
b.     It takes 90 plus volunteers to run St. Martins on a Sunday morning
c.     TYPE A Parish, too busy, spread too thin
3.     Assumption  of Left Liberal Values and Politics                   21
a.     Room for other points of view
b.     How do we involve more voices in determining our social justice activities?
4.     Expectations of Women/Traditional assignment of tasks and work load to women         17
5.     Salvation through GOOD TASTE!                  15
6.     Smarter is better/Intellectual approach    7
7.     A tension between tradition and innovation in liturgy and language
a.     Some think innovation is the norm
b.     Others think tradition is the norm
c.     Interesting tension!  How do we study that?

Pastoral Observation:  The accidental values we project seem to cause people to struggle with the following questions:
1.     Do I belong here?
2.     Am I accepted here?

3.     What do I need to do to fit in here?

Raw Data

“Type A” Parish [10]
·       Poorly attended?
·       Too busy—too much/spread too thin
o   Especially social justice events—too many?
·       Conditional Acceptance [1]
·       Where is music in values? [2]
o   Less & less...especially bell ringers


·       Initial outward perception of elitist community [7]
Type A
Individuals seem unapproachable—because of some priorities [1]
·       Originally only community based [2]
o   Hard to star introductions
§  (Shyness) Not family
·       Thick schedule (?) getting thinner [2]
o   Lack of introductions
o   Embarrassed
·       Wounded community [3]
o   Ok to be needy
o   All have wounds
·       God centered focus.
·       Social justice [5]
·       Salvation by good taste.
Language of belief is [5]
o   Conservative
o   Intellectual 

·       Wealth [2]—whiteness
o   Used to be very much valued or still today?
o   Where do you vacation? [1]
o    What independent school do go to? [1]
·       Assumption that liturgy is very important
·       60’s—growing parish involvement in politics and social action justice
·       Coldness to new people? [1]
o   Slowness to come to know new people
·       Assumption that now everything is better than in past [7]
o   Need to see values in past as well as in present
o   Or that some groups matter more than others
·       Assumption that improving the world matters more than caring for each other (POWER and Stephen Ministry) [4]
o   (Need to balance)

·       TASTE (“Good”) [2]
·       Liberal politics/Hegemony/Assumed [4]
·       Smarter and Better [6]
o   Skepticism is smarter.
o   Doubt is smarter.
·       Social Status: Prestige/Privilege [7]
o   or “Everyone goes to Maine”
o   Rarified Inaccurate Perception
§  Not caught up with reality.
·       Most kids in private education [5]
·       Neighboring concern: *arrow*
·       “We think we know each other” [1]—“Everyone who belongs is already here.”
·       Location? Reflected values of neighborhood?

·       “We assume certain behaviors” [9]
·       We don’t always acknowledge why we are really here = God. [4]
·        The summer combined service looks like 11:15
·       The four service schedule—does that serve the congregation best? [3]
·       Designation of roles [6]
o   Old-timers know how it should be done.
o   Let the younger people do the work now.
·       Why is it so hard to get people to be greeters and work at other ministries? [14]
o   Like grounds clean-up


1.     Colored Dots
2.     Appearance of prosperity and self-assurance [8]
3.     Assumption that we are all acquainted and travel in similar social circles; we all know the codes [7]
4.     There is a ruling elite of the church—a social elite (e.g. Cricket Club, SCH, etc.) (eroding) [3]
5.     Spiritually, we have already arrived—no need to go further [2]
6.     “Deliberate instancy”—move and chance carefully and deliberately
7.     Focus on food!! And feeding people. [4]
8.     Engaging the mind.
9.     More casual dress—come as you are.
10.  Beauty of worship and performance—“Salvation through good taste.” [13]


Accidental Values
·       Formerly
o   Preppie
o   Elitist
o   Ad Chestnut hill – Changed a lot lately
·       Possible new accidental [6]
o   Political activism [7] –shoving petition at people at Wednesday Supper
§  Do we leave room for people who aren’t comfortable “manning phone banks” or who are here for family, liturgy, social, etc.? [1]
§  Only one definition of social justice? [4]
§  How do we involve more people in church in discussion of what we do in terms of social justice? [3]
·       Highly intellectual approach


Accidental Value
·       Beauty [1]
o   Aesthetics (building, grounds, etc.) + Liturgy + Music
o   Parishioners
·       *Over Emphasis on the “Chestnut Hill Way” [6]
o   Mannerisms
o   Class
o   Expectations
·       Lack of relevance of Sunday school and meeting students where they are.
·       *Expectation of women and their time [16]
·       Diversity of church schedule to the point of lack of connectivity of members with each other [14]
o   Planning
§  Acolytes
§  Bulletins
§  Eucharistic Ministers
§  Clergy

*To Be Changed.

·       VALUE TRADITION at the expense of inclusivity and change.
·       We ASSUME LIBERAL (LEFT) VALUES and politics. [2]
·        Lack of concern for general diversity. [4]
·       Work of parish is for women to do. [1]